2"x3.5" 商務卡尺寸磁石貼
Fun, practical and low cost promotional gifts for customers
Ever get the feeling that when you give your business name card out to potential customers that they'll most likely will end up in the trash or chucked in amongst all the thousands of other cards your clients have stocked up over the years? How can you make your name cards stand out from the others? One of the best ways to do this is turn your business name cards into magnetic names cards. Add your business details and design onto our online name card maker and we'll get your them printed to the highest quality on industrial printers what will sure get your card noticed.
Give them to your clients and they stick them onto their office fridge or magnetic wipe board in the office which will literally bring your business out into the open and separated from the rest in the name card box. Get started now and see the different magnetic name cards can make to your business.
- 可牢固貼在冰箱,洗碗機,文件櫃,學校儲物櫃和其他金屬表面上
- 尺寸:2"x3.5"名片磁石貼,圓角2.5"x3.5"錢包大小磁石貼,3.5"x5"和4"x6"相片磁石貼
- 磁力強,不容易從金屬表面上滑下來
- 可略為捲曲,以緊貼彎曲的表面
- 紫外線(UV)塗層令飾面更有光澤和耐用面
- 防褪色,防水和防污跡
- 由優質乙烯基材料製成。 厚度0.4毫米