Personalized Placemats
Choose a design to start
See categorized designs:
Create your own placemats with these 5 steps
- Choose a design from our selection
- Upload your images to our online placemats maker
- Place the images into the design template
- Preview the layout of your placemat
- Add your custom placemat to your cart
用色彩豐富的個性化餐墊,為您的孩子做有趣又活潑的晚餐。它們是廚房,餐桌,聚會和戶外燒烤的完美必備品,甚至是你寵物的食物區也可以用到。 我們有單面或雙面定制任選。用我們的在線編輯工具上傳你自己的照片,圖形或設計或選擇我們現有的可愛和吸引力的模板,添加文字即可。您的圖像是打印在 厚紙板上,使您的圖像易於清潔。